Bringing Love and Forgiveness to a Relationship Challenge

Most of us have experienced a time when we had a challenge that caused great disharmony in a relationship. It could have been a challenge with a life partner, a friend, a brother or sister or a colleague. A few days ago, I was chatting to a friend who shared that there had been a disagreement with a loved one. He expressed his deep appreciation for his loved one but that somehow they had a disagreement that was causing great disharmony between them, to the extent that he was uncertain how to transform the situation or how to move forward together. 

I shared with my friend, that at times, when we have a challenge with someone who is close to us, their reaction could seem quite extreme for what may appear to be a minor issue. The reason for this is that often, we have a history with each other that influences the way that we react to the current situation. Our reaction could be more about our history with each other: about how we may have hurt each other whether intentionally or unintentionally, through what we said or did. 

How do we transform our relationship history or start from a clean slate? For me, one of the most powerful practices for healing relationships has been forgiveness practice. Forgiveness is like wiping the board clean or all the hurtful words, thoughts and actions. Forgiveness practice is when we ask for and offer forgiveness to another. Through forgiveness practice, we are healing and transforming how we feel about our history together and clearing the way to experience the love that is there but becomes blocked from flowing freely. When the blockages have been transformed we are able to react with more love, compassion and understanding for each other.

In a forgiveness practice, the other person does not need to be in the room with us or doing the practice with us physically. We can do the practice on our own and connect at a soul level with the other person. Everyone and everything has a soul including the person you are in a relationship with. Your relationship also has a soul. Our soul is the essence of who we are. Master Sha teaches: 'Heal the soul first; then the healing of the mind and the body will follow,' because the 'soul is the boss'. When you connect on a soul level, you are establishing a very intimate connection. It could be even more intimate than if the person were in the room with you and therefore, one needs to be very respectful and only communicate in a positive way. 

I shared a simple forgiveness practice with my friend and I invite you to do this practice whenever you encounter a challenge in a relationship or when you feel your relationship could benefit from more love and forgiveness.  

Forgiveness Practice:

We use the four power techniques:

Body Power: Where you put your hands is where you receive healing and rejuvenation. Place one hand on your heart area and the other on your lower abdomen below the navel. 

Soul Power: Say Hello:
Dear Divine, 
Dear Tao,
Dear The Source,
Dear all spiritual fathers and mothers in all layers of Heaven and on Mother Earth,
I love, honour and appreciate you all. 
Please could you come. Please bless my relationship with.... (name the person), as appropriate.
I am very grateful. Thank you. 

Dear Soul of ...... (name the person)
I love you, honour you and appreciate you. Please could you come.
We have some challenges in our relationship. (You could describe the misunderstandings or challenges and in a positive way express how you would like to move forward.)
Please let us bring Love, Peace and Harmony to our relationship. 
I am very grateful. Thank you. 

Mind Power: is creative visualisation. Visualise the person whom you have called in golden light in front of you. 

Sound Power: is chanting special sounds or mantras to heal and transform every aspect of life. What you chant is what you become. 

I love you.
You love me.
I forgive you. 
You forgive me. 
Bring Love, Peace and Harmony
Bring Love, Peace and Harmony

I love you.
You love me.
I forgive you. 
You forgive me. 
Bring Love, Peace and Harmony
Bring Love, Peace and Harmony

I love you.
You love me.
I forgive you. 
You forgive me. 
Bring Love, Peace and Harmony
Bring Love, Peace and Harmony

Continue to chant these phrases for 10-15 minutes or longer. Totally relax your whole body and allow yourself to become the phrases, to become the mantra.

Ending the Practice: When you have completed the practice, say:

Hao! Hao! Hao!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Love you! Love you! Love you!
Gong song! Gong song! Gong song!

'Hao' means be get well or perfect in Chinese. 'Gong song' means respectfully return. At the start of the practice, we invited many holy beings to bless our practice as well as the person with whom we have the relationship challenge. 

If you have had challenges in a relationship for a long time, it could take a number of forgiveness practices to heal the relationship and transform the blockages. I hope that you receive great healing and transformation of your relationships. Please share your experiences with this practice. 

With love and light



  1. Beautiful practice, thank you for sharing dear Lenore!

    I chose my most challening relationship - with my father. I know that there is still a lot of forgiveness "work" to do but every step is one step further on the healing, the forgiveness journey. During the practice it was very easy for me to go into the condition and to stay there. Beautifully led!

    With love and gratitude from Germany!

  2. Dear Nina,

    Thank you for your love and for sharing your experience. I'm happy that you were able to go into the condition and to stay there. Forgiveness is indeed a journey and every time we offer and receive forgiveness we are healing and transforming the blockages in our relationships, layer by layer. We are so blessed to have these practices that Master Sha has shared with humanity.

    Mucn love from Cape Town.

  3. I love your blog!! So honest and directly from the heart. To read about your eperiences is to understand what may happen...that is such a beautiful service. Thank you, dearest Leonore! Will come back soon...With much love to you from Berlin.


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