Message from Mother Earth on Mother's Day
Dear Ones, Happy Mother's Day to all mothers around the world, to all those who have been mothers in any lifetime and all those who offer Mother's Love to others. Many of us may not be mothers in this lifetime, but we may have been mothers in other lifetimes. In this lifetime, we may be in a position where we hold others in our hearts, as a mother holds a child in their hearts. This is the Mother's Love that each of us can develop and express for others, a Mother's Unconditional Love for each and everyone whom we meet. This is the message that I received from Mother Earth on Mother's Day: 'My dear beloved ones, This is the Soul of Mother Earth speaking. I love you all and I am honoured to offer a message on Mother's Love on this Mother's Day. A Mother's Love is a very special kind of love. It is unconditional love. It is love without boundary. It is love without expectation. This is my love for each of you, for all humanity, for all nat...