Message from The Source on the Nature of Tao Love
Dear Ones,
I recently received this message from The Source on the Nature of Tao Love (Tao is The Source):
'My dearest most beloved One,
This is The Source speaking. I love you more than words can express. I love everyone equally for this is the nature of Tao Love, to love everyone and everything equally.
This is The Source speaking. I love you more than words can express. I love everyone equally for this is the nature of Tao Love, to love everyone and everything equally.
To love everyone and everything equally and to offer equal opportunities to each one is the nature of Tao. Love from the Tao has no boundaries. It has no beginning and no end. It simply is.
Many people hold those who are close to them in their hearts: their parents, their children, their spouses. The Tao, The Source, holds everyone in The Source's heart. Each and every one is held tenderly in the heart of The Source. This is the nature of love from The Source. It does not matter if you are family or not, for we are all family to The Source. It does not matter whether one is deemed to be 'good' or 'bad', selfish, greedy, competitive, or how much unpleasant service a person offers. The Source offers love to all equally.
The Source's Love is like the Sun. The Sun shines on everyone and everything regardless of who you are. To become a Tao servant it is important to open your heart and soul fully to everyone and everything. True Love means having the love you have for your family, for your friends, for your spouse, partner, girlfriend or boyfriend, to have that kind of love for everyone and everything.
The kind of love where you are willing to give your life to save the life of another. So many parents would willingly give their lives for their children. This is the extent of my love for you. Have I not show you again and again how I am willing to give you my life, to offer my life to save yours, to save your soul journey.
I have given you my heart, I have given you my soul. What more can a father offer to his children, for you are all my children. You are all children of The Source. You were created from the purest love.
Remember how loved you are
Remember how blessed you are
Remember that you are never alone
Remember me in your moments of joy
Remember me in your darkest hour
Remember me as the first rays of dawn touch the mountain
Remember me as the last rays of the day disappear behind the clouds
Remember me in your every waking moment
Remember me when you close your eyes to sleep
Remember me in your dreams
Remember me always for I am The Creator,
I am The Source,
I am Oneness manifest in many different forms.
I come to you on the soft breeze that caresses your skin
I come to you in the rustling of leaves in a tree
I come to you in the breaking of a wave on the shore
I come to you in the song of a bird at dawn
I come to you in the laughter of a child
I come to you in all my many different forms
I am Tao.
I am emptiness and nothingness,
I am everywhere and in all things,
I am bigger than the biggest,
I am smaller than the smallest.
Recognise me wherever you look
See my presence in every soul whom you encounter
As you love me, love every soul whom you meet.
As you honour me, honour every soul whom you greet
As you devote your life to me, devote your life to all humanity and all souls.
I am you, you are me. We are One.
I am your Eternal Servant
I am your Father forever
Remember me always.
Your most beloved Source,
The Eternal Light.'
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
My greatest gratitude to The Source for this heart-touching message. We are all so loved and blessed.
With greatest love
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