Building a Love Peace Harmony World Family

Each of us is part of a  family. Some of us have had happy family relationships. Some have had very traumatic and challenging family relationships. Some have had a combination of happy and challenging relationships. 

Our relationships with our family can deeply affect our ability to create a loving, happy family for ourselves. We may have unresolved conflicts, or deep pain that has not healed in some of our closest family relationships with our parents and brothers and sisters. Often our relationships with our parents could affect our ability to have open, loving, honest relationships with our brothers and sisters.

Master Sha teaches:
Transform the soul of a relationship first;
then transformation of the relationship will follow.

When we are able to heal the soul of our family relationships then the transformation of the family relationships will follow. 

Recently, I assisted someone who was having some challenges in their family with their partner and their partner's ability to step into their role as a parent. The soul guidance was that this beloved one needed to heal their relationship with their parents in order to feel confident about being a parent themselves. 

Many young parents discover when they have their own children, that their unresolved issues with their own parents are brought to the surface by their children. Their children challenge them to heal their relationships with their own parents in order to heal their relationships with their children, as they have now become the parents. 

Let us do a practice to heal the soul of the family, so that we can build a Love Peace Harmony World Family. Building a Love Peace Harmony World Family begins with healing our own family to bring more love, forgiveness, compassion and light to our family. A soul secret to transform our family relationships is to call a soul conference, by calling the souls of our parents, brothers and sisters.partner and children. The following practice is adapted from the family soul conference from (The Power of Soul, by Dr & Master Zhi Gang Sha, p 209)  

Body Power:
Sit up straight, with one hand on your heart and the other on your lower abdomen.

Soul Power:  
Dear soul of everyone in my family, please come and be with me. 
Let us share love with each other. 
Let us offer forgiveness to each other.
Let us harmonize all of our relationships with each other. 

Mind Power:
Visualise your family in front of you in a golden circle of light. 

Sound Power:
Chant (silently or aloud):

Love for the whole family 
Love for the whole family
Love for the whole family 
Love for the whole family

Forgiveness for the whole family
Forgiveness for the whole family
Forgiveness for the whole family
Forgiveness for the whole family

Harmony for the whole family
Harmony for the whole family
Harmony for the whole family
Harmony for the whole family...

Continue by chanting:
The Divine Soul Song of Love Peace and Harmony:

I love my heart and soul. 
I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together. 
Love Peace and Harmony
Love Peace and Harmony

Practice for 10-15 minutes daily, the longer the better. 

Close the practice with:
Hao! Hao! Hao!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Please return. 

Please share your experiences with this practice. 

With greatest love and gratitude

Master Lenore


  1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Master Lenore for these practices. I love reading your blog. It gives me so much inspiration. Love you so much, Master Orlena


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